The Forest

Dark places in the forest hide many mysteries. Molds explode overnight, first hidden under a bed of leaves but then suddenly exposed to the eye.
Deeper in the forest the stump of an old oak feeds the fungi to grow into their fantastic shapes.

1 / 5
2 / 5
Lentinellus Cochleatus
3 / 5
Schizophyllum Commune
4 / 5
Trametes Versicolor
5 / 5
Daedalea Quercina I


The Fields

The early morning sun floats over fields where fungi, flowers and edible plants come to life.
A variety of species all different in shape and color and mostly grown from a single seed, planted by hand or carried by the wind.

1 / 6
Brassica Oleracea
2 / 6
Cynara Scolymus
3 / 6
Cortinarius Rigens
4 / 6
Hygrophorus Capreolarius


The Sea

Below the wild waves of the sea lies a world unknown. Aporrhais, Balanus, Pteropurpura and many other varieties can only show their beautiful shapes and colors below the surface.
Exposed to air and daylight their beauty will soon be gone.

1 / 3
Actiniaria II
2 / 3
Aporrhais I
3 / 3
Pectinia Alcicornis
4 / 3
Argonautidae I
5 / 3
Balanus Perforatus
6 / 3
Pteropurpura I
7 / 3
Turbinaria Reniformis
8 / 3
Ostrea I
9 / 3
Pterois Volitans
10 / 3
Catalaphyllia Jardinei



In the early eighties I started to work on one of the first available consumer computers. Later, after the first digital camera hit the market I realized, being a professional photographer, the potential of these new devices.
Since the image quality of those early cameras was still far below professional level, embedding the digital revolution in my professional career began by scanning my prints with a flatbed scanner and making adjustments in Photoshop.
The next step was taken when I started to scan all my developed films with a large format film scanner. 'Why bother?', you might think. The process was time consuming, the film scanner was very expensive and I already had the images on film!
But it was worth it. It was a revelation. Color correction, background adjustment, intensive retouching all with the click of a mouse.

From that point on I enjoyed trying to mix the analog process with the digital process in my professional work.

After my career I had all the time to pursue my creative curiosity.

This artwork is a result of my ongoing interest in the combination of images, devices and software. Although the whole process is digital there is still an image at the base of each work.

Charly Meyer


I do not sell online and I do not hold stock. If you like a specific artwork,
please use the contact form for questions on availability.

When choosing the best size for your artwork, the following guidelines might help you:
For small spaces and lower ceiling heights, the artwork size can be 100x100cm.
For ceiling heights up to about 2.70 m, a good artwork size could be 120x120cm or 140x140cm
For ceiling heights above 2.70 m, a 140x140cm artwork would be the best choice.



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For any questions please use the contact form.
You can usually expect my reply within a day. On occasion it may take somewhat longer but you will always receive an answer.

The Netherlands